When the need is to maximize API performance and at the same time guarantee its solidity and security, our choice goes to GO.
GO is an open source language developed by Google in recent years and is characterized by a functional approach to programming. The idea behind its creation was that by removing all the fancy things surrounding a programming language and going down to a clean procedural language would allow to get the things done and to focus on the problem you’re trying to solve rather than how you are trying to solving it.
Go is simple yet powerful. It is simple compared to established languages, but reaching simplicity involves a complicated process. This language is different, as it does not try to be like other programming languages because it does not take in features or compete for new ones.
It is a statically typed compiled language, so even programming errors are reduced to a minimum.
A key feature of this programming language is the ability to use all CPU cores, launching go routines to parallelize calls. In addition, it has already integrated all the necessary libraries for API server development.
Finally, the language is highly portable because the application can be compiled specifically for the reference architecture.